Saturday, June 29, 2019

Video Pengertian Hakikat Etika Administrasi Negara

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"Sistem Administrasi Pembangunan Nasional Indonesia"
Tugas mata kuliah pemerintahan dan otonomi daerah "Sistem Administrasi Pembangunan Nasional Indonesia" Lina Eka Yuliyanti 111034220 PLS 2011 A.

Published: 04-01-2014
Duration: 0:5
Definition: sd
View: 521
Like: 3
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
Mengenal Reformasi Birokrasi
Mengenal lebih lanjut mengenai apa itu Reformasi Birokrasi.

Published: 03-05-2016
Duration: 4:9
Definition: hd
View: 2624
Like: 9
Dislike: 2
Favorite: 0
Comment: 1
Apa Itu Filsafat
Apa Itu Filsafat ? Filsafat secara etimologis berasal dari bahasa Yunani philosophia. Philos berarti suka, cinta, atau kecenderungan pada sesuatu, sedangkan Sophia artinya kebijaksanaan. Dengan...

Published: 27-05-2017
Duration: 5:25
Definition: hd
View: 2956
Like: 11
Dislike: 3
Favorite: 0
Comment: 0

Published: 04-03-2015
Duration: 2:12:57
Definition: hd
View: 1410
Like: 5
Dislike: 0
Favorite: 0
Comment: 1
The Dirty Secrets of George Bush
A number of allegations have been written about several investigations that have taken place related to the Mena Airport as a CIA drop point in large scale cocaine trafficking beginning in...

Published: 23-06-2012
Duration: 53:54
Definition: sd
View: 1433457
Like: 4956
Dislike: 580
Favorite: 0
Comment: 2211
konferensi AFHI ke 2 part 2
Video ini adalah dokumentasi proses kegiatan Konferensi Asosiasi Filsafat Hukum Indonesia ke-2 di semarang, 16-17 Juli 2012. Kegiatan ini terselenggara atas kerjasama AFHI, Epistema Institute,...

Published: 10-09-2012
Duration: 1:33:7
Definition: sd
View: 1318
Like: 2
Dislike: 0
Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
Macam-macam sumber hukum (Pengantar Ilmu Hukum)
Anindya Nur Rahmi (1516071050) Melinda Putri Aryanti (1516071088) Retno Widiarti (1516071056) Veronoka Srikandi (1516071028)

Published: 20-08-2017
Duration: 2:41
Definition: sd
View: 477
Like: 2
Dislike: 2
Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
The Vietnam War: Reasons for Failure - Why the U.S. Lost
In the post-war era, Americans struggled to absorb the lessons of the military intervention. About the book:

Published: 19-06-2012
Duration: 1:45:58
Definition: sd
View: 3739442
Like: 3764
Dislike: 1158
Favorite: 0
Comment: 5301
Part 2 - Pride and Prejudice Audiobook by Jane Austen (Chs 16-25)
Part 2. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Elizabeth Klett. Playlist...

Published: 17-11-2011
Duration: 2:1:51
Definition: hd
View: 243745
Like: 521
Dislike: 97
Favorite: 0
Comment: 20
The Great Gildersleeve: The Manganese Mine / Testimonial Dinner for Judge / The Sneezes
The Great Gildersleeve (1941--1957), initially written by Leonard Lewis Levinson, was one of broadcast history's earliest spin-off programs. Built around Throckmorton Philharmonic Gildersleeve,...

Published: 17-09-2012
Duration: 1:29:31
Definition: sd
View: 45713
Like: 37
Dislike: 34
Favorite: 0
Comment: 5
Senators, Governors, Businessmen, Socialist Philosopher (1950s Interviews)
Interviewees: Joseph McCarthy, American politician who served as a Republican U.S. Senator from the state of Wisconsin from 1947 until his death in 1957 Corliss Lamont, a socialist philosopher,...

Published: 08-10-2012
Duration: 1:41:23
Definition: sd
View: 19134
Like: 40
Dislike: 15
Favorite: 0
Comment: 3
Government Surveillance of Dissidents and Civil Liberties in America
The surveillance state is a government's surveillance of large numbers of citizens and visitors. Such widespread surveillance is most usually justified as being necessary to prevent crime or...

Published: 03-07-2012
Duration: 55:50
Definition: sd
View: 59914
Like: 38
Dislike: 29
Favorite: 0
Comment: 16
Attorney and Progressive Civil Rights Leader: Arthur Kinoy Interview
Arthur Kinoy (September 20, 1920-September 19, 2003), was an attorney and progressive civil rights leader who became a professor of law at the Rutgers School of Lawâ€"Newark. He was one of...

Published: 30-06-2012
Duration: 39:15
Definition: sd
View: 12436
Like: 7
Dislike: 7
Favorite: 0
Comment: 3
The Great Gildersleeve: Investigating the City Jail / School Pranks / A Visit from Oliver
The Great Gildersleeve (1941--1957), initially written by Leonard Lewis Levinson, was one of broadcast history's earliest spin-off programs. Built around Throckmorton Philharmonic Gildersleeve,...

Published: 16-09-2012
Duration: 1:28:34
Definition: sd
View: 78637
Like: 61
Dislike: 52
Favorite: 0
Comment: 11
United Nations, LGBT Rights, and a New World
This message is for the Righteous Remnant from all quarters of the Judeo-Christian sphere who perceive their Biblical foundations are under attack from forces hostile to a Bible-based lifestyle....

Published: 07-07-2015
Duration: 1:25:6
Definition: hd
View: 4883
Like: 26
Dislike: 12
Favorite: 0
Comment: 12
Author, Journalist, Stand-Up Comedian: Paul Krassner Interview - Political Comedy
Paul Krassner (born April 9, 1932) is an author, journalist, stand-up comedian, and the founder, editor and a frequent contributor to the freethought magazine The Realist, first published in...

Published: 23-06-2012
Duration: 1:29:1
Definition: sd
View: 156823
Like: 85
Dislike: 73
Favorite: 0
Comment: 10
Part 1 - A Princess of Mars Audiobook by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Chs 01-10)
Part 1. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Mark Nelson. Playlist...

Published: 07-11-2011
Duration: 2:28:18
Definition: hd
View: 413016
Like: 393
Dislike: 165
Favorite: 0
Comment: 37
Ambassadors, Attorneys, Accountants, Democratic and Republican Party Officials (1950s Interviews)
Interviewees: Sir Percy C. Spender, ambassador from Australia to the United States Stephen A. Mitchell, American attorney and Democratic Party official. He served as chairman of the Democratic...

Published: 09-10-2012
Duration: 1:40:9
Definition: sd
View: 34325
Like: 36
Dislike: 23
Favorite: 0
Comment: 12
Chapter 18 - Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Chapter 18. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Elizabeth Klett. Playlist...

Published: 17-11-2011
Duration: 27:52
Definition: hd
View: 14333
Like: 32
Dislike: 9
Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
Our Miss Brooks: Business Course / Going Skiing / Overseas Job
Our Miss Brooks is an American situation comedy starring Eve Arden as a sardonic high school English teacher. It began as a radio show broadcast from 1948 to 1957. When the show was adapted...

Published: 29-10-2012
Duration: 1:28:22
Definition: sd
View: 55583
Like: 79
Dislike: 29
Favorite: 0
Comment: 14

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Video Pengertian Hakikat Etika Administrasi Negara Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Tutorial Kreasi Dari Bungkus Rokok


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